We’re a snake. Hiss. We’re very dangerous, maybe even poisonous. So keep your distance.
Ants? Nah, haven’t seen any ants round here in ages.
Probably they all ran away when they saw us. Cos we’re a snake. A big, scary snake.
Illustrations, CSS experiments, bits and pieces
We’re a snake. Hiss. We’re very dangerous, maybe even poisonous. So keep your distance.
Ants? Nah, haven’t seen any ants round here in ages.
Probably they all ran away when they saw us. Cos we’re a snake. A big, scary snake.
Copy paste… a wonderfull feature… not so fun doh when you need to twist and turn em like that 😀
Yeah…I though this one would only take me a few minutes with all the copy pasta, but it turned out to be a few hours