There is a fascinating alternative explanation of human evolution called the Aquatic Ape Hypothesis. It says that we may have spent some time as semi-aquatic creatures, and it explains beautifully why we are so bald and blubbery.
Tag: fauna
The Maypole
Summer is coming, let’s dance around the maypole!
Bald Tortoise
Bald tortoise is sick of being looked down on by snooty mammals.
Emo Butterfly
Many butterflies have eye-like patterns on their wings to deter predators. This one has borrowed some eyeliner too.
Golden Cage
They keep you in a golden cage, but you can still send out your music through the bars.
Little Birds
No rainbow in sight.
Lazy Worm
The early bird catches the worm, they say. Which is great for the early bird, but not so good for the early worm. Maybe sometimes it’s better to be lazy.
Vampire Unicorns in Space
Spider Tears
Spider tears are all the more tragic, because there are just so many of them.
Puppy Thoughts
Those big guys, they’re so weird. They only walk on two legs, but they still move the other two anyway.