Insects breathe by a process called diffusion. They absorb oxygen through tiny holes in their bodies. Diffusion is only efficient at small distances. This means that flies can only grow to a limited size.
But if they ever develop lungs…
Illustrations, CSS experiments, bits and pieces
Insects breathe by a process called diffusion. They absorb oxygen through tiny holes in their bodies. Diffusion is only efficient at small distances. This means that flies can only grow to a limited size.
But if they ever develop lungs…
We’re a snake. Hiss. We’re very dangerous, maybe even poisonous. So keep your distance.
Ants? Nah, haven’t seen any ants round here in ages.
Probably they all ran away when they saw us. Cos we’re a snake. A big, scary snake.
We’re a snake. Hiss. We’re very dangerous, maybe even poisonous. So keep your distance.
Ants? Nah, haven’t seen any ants round here in ages.
Probably they all ran away when they saw us. Cos we’re a snake. A big, scary snake.
All of these shinies, all of them are mine. No, you can’t have any. Besides…don’t you know where they’ve been?
If you wish to continue your residence here, so unseemingly close to my holiday home, I’m afraid I shall have to come back weekly to collect two shillings and six pence rent.
The bumble bee grew tired of being labeled “cute” and “fuzzy”, so she found a good tailor.
If you want teddy back, you’re going to have to come in here and get him.
Tonight, I feel like more of a stag.
Don’t let the angelic white feathers fool you, a swan is like a floating snake.
Oh Raven, you have a couple of bugs now and then, but I love you anyway.