The natural habitat of the dunkey is near a cup of tea.
Tag: fauna
Forked Tongue
I think that snake is planning to eat you.
Emo Scarecrow
Emo scarecrow knows it is pointless to resist the dark forces.
Well, I know some people say it’s cruel, but darling, feel the leather. Isn’t it divine?
Jelly Fish
English is very difficult for machines to parse. We predict some bugs with the first generation of robot chefs.
Recession Recreation
Oh, well, of course we’ve had to cut back. Even little Sara has less after school activities, poor thing. She was heartbroken when we told her she’d have to cut something out, but in the end we decided to combine them instead.
She hasn’t manage to beat the pony yet, but we’re confident, with a little more work on her back hand, she soon will.
Sun Flower
For Mizagorn’s summer challenge.
Picky Eaters
Picky eaters don’t survive in the wild.
I Want to Be a Sparrow
They seem to spend all day eating, flying and playing.
Coffee Bat
Coffee bat has been up all night.